Friday, December 11, 2015

California- Hollywood

Inhabited Crofts with grass roves and Scottish “Stone Hedge” in Calabash declared to the Hebrides islands themselves I am Clan Morrison. Beachwood easels and Rice Paper echo I am an artist. The great Mecca for art is California. It is said to be the land of fruits and nuts. (Unclear if it is reference to the population.) But, it was gold that brought Anglos to the state. My dad is from California and he wears socks and sandals which could explain why that style is becoming popular. California is more or less the trend setter of the nation which bucks trends. Fashion creates California because they are Hollywood but do not care what they look like.  For as dry as California is, it is also amazing how agrarian California is.  Most spinach and raisin is raised in the state. The animation and agriculture culture created the “California Raisons” cartoon. The name California is from the Greek mythological, utopian island. The Spanish thought it was an island. There is also the element Californium. The Callidash stones are defiantly Morrison.

California is by definition mythological. Everything is in front of the famous peak and water fall of Yosemite National park. Lincon declared it sight unseen a national trust ruled by the state during the Civil War. In 1889, John Muir discovered the Yosemite Valley and lobbied for it as a national park. It became one in 1890 and is best known for Photos by Ansell Adams. On the peak is the “Hollywood” sign. First erected in 1923, it originally said “HOLLYWOODLAND” and did not have lights. It was reborn in 1978. The castle on the side is for the “sleeping beauty castle” of Disneyland. (adapted for the side of a hill) The head peeking in on the right side is a California Sea Lion. The sombrero is for the Spanish ownership of the state. Everything is on the original flag of the state in its uprising during the Mexican War. The current state flag is based on it. The jelly jarIs for the Knott’s family that created the Boysen berry and is a name brand for jams and jellies which originates from California since 1921. The flower in the hat is the flame flower. It is pined on by the symbol of the Fishermen’s Warf in San Francesco. I drew this picture recently with pencil and white charcoal.      

 The name other is piece is “Carpenter Log” and is made win ink and 12” x 18.” The name is from the road that it was next to. Trees even fallen gain a unique beauty like mussels raped around bone.  A tree fallen has life coming near death’s magical cure surrounding it, but yet the fallen tree’s branches pull toward the sky.If you are interested in buying this or any other of my work email me at to order.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

New Hampshire-Granite

Water horses which can mask as beautiful women and vanishing maidens who unfurl battle flags which release thousands of warriors swear that I am Clan Morrison. The beautiful dance of the brush and the chi of the white charcoal blending graphite and paper swear that I am an artist. New England has a unique connection to art. New Hampshire gains the power of the mountains like West Virginia which ironically drawn many people from Massachusetts and the like called “flat-lander.” The state transformed from agrarian to industrial to Tourist. New Hampshire has become one of the only New England skiing abodes. There is also Lake Champlain and its monster. Weather people know the state for Mount Washington as it has the fastest wind in the nation. Climbing is also big there. My mother’s old boss had a secretary from there and stole my mom’s pen because it had a NH on it.  (NH was my mother maiden initials.)I was  able to find an online scan of the MacLeod Fairy flag.

New Hampshire’s mythology has a difference from other states. The purple lilac is the state flower made official in 1919 and New York’s bush which is in front of everything. It is a harbinger of spring, but more importantly in is the symbol of endurance with it growing to be a hundred as NH is called the granite state. The building on the right is a shaker barn. Shakers were founded by Mother Anna who thought she was the female Jesus and received visions to invent circular saws. The Concord news paper is named “Mother Anna.” The face on the right is the “OLD Man of the Mountain.” According to the Native Americans, Mohawk Indian Chief Pemigewasset brought peace through his marriage, but his wife left to visit her dying father. The whole winter, he looked for her return until the Great Spirit took his life. That spring, his face was on the cliff still looking for her. In 2007, it fell off the cliff and his spirit was free.  The weird “yelling” doll behind the lilac is for the Andre Nature Trail where sculptures are brought in from around the world.  I drew this picture a few mouths with pencil and white charcoal.

The name of this piece is “Indiana Yard” and was done in ink almost two years ago and is 12” x 9.” One of the joys drawing on the spot is ink in the pen freezing. The solution is to the nib between thumb and fore finger. Snow has a unique beauty on evergreens as it is frozen death battling eternal life. This also has sweeps and curtains made with snow on green chandlers. If you are interested in buying this or any other of my material email me at to order. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Wyoming-National Park

Hallows of enchanted knolls of vanishing peoples called “shee” and harbors that harbor mermaids and water horses sing to the seas that I am Clan Morrison. Enchanted Zen art of Sumi with a thousand shades of grey holding the four seasons and Asian graphite from India and China likewise show ying/yang show that I am an artist. Mystery inspires art and one of the truly mystic states is Wyoming. But, Wyoming calls itself “the Cowboy State.” Wyoming is neither Texas nor Montana. The state is better known for national parks. Because of this the state is largely, indirectly dependent on the federal governmental aid from the parks such as the Grand Tetons. Ironically, the state is traditionally, financially conservative but was hit hard by the government shut down cause by the people they elected. But, the Grand Tetons are what make The West great. Snowbound buffalo herds and the wild grizzly show a unique heritage. My primary art form is nature. The lone bald eagle is a symbol of America because it flies freely. America has to protect this beauty. The Parks are honored with a set of quarters. Animal planet had a special proving mermaid existence in 2013.

Wyoming has an over arching mythos which separates it from any other state. Everything is on “Old Faithful” from Yellowstone National Park. It is on an active volcano and was first recognized as a protected site by President Grant making it the first. The Native Americans named it "Mitzi-a-dazi" which French translated to “yellow stones” and is important to the regional flood legend. The geyser is said to be actually a buffalo that is buried. The first Anglo was a man named John Colter who went trapping from the Lewis and Clark expedition and thought he saw hell and was made fun of with “Colter’s Hell.” Ironically, the Native Americans said that Doh Ki  (God) gave it to them as a promise land and were the first poachers in the park. (During the Indian Wars) The boot is from the Frontier Day of Old West Museum in Cheyenne, Wyoming which honors the first rodeo and largest in the state in 1897. It is a big West and art fair. The flower is the state flower Indian paintbrush which cures women’s issues according traditional medicine. I drew this picture last March with graphite and white charcoal.    

The name of this piece is “submerged stones” and was drawn recently with ink, sumie and Chinese watercolors. As I said before all of the American nature pieces I do are from life. This piece is no exception. It almost ended up in that same stream in the back woods when my chair shifted which caused my drawing pad to fall to the creek bank  I carefully moved my foot to rescue it. If you would like to buy this or any other of my pieces email me at

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Wisconsin- Otherness
Forgotten battlefield with ghosts of Highlanders fighting for freedom and claymores set in museums but still know the way of battle recognize that I am Clan Morrison. Ancient Zen art with black ink stone and Asian graphite recognize that I am an artist. As an artist, a return to nature is important as it is letting God express Himself. One could say Wisconsin is a good example of this. Living in Indiana and watch Chicago television, Wisconsin had a certain otherness. Their ads are great too. When I got there it looked a lot more like northwest Indiana. I enjoyed the tour at the Jelly Belly (C) factory in-spite of the fact that it was during their Christmas vacation and got a sample at the end and bought a bag of their misfit candy.( It was good.) I had friends from Wisconsin, they had accent like on Prairrie Home Companion, but that was when I was living in the Chicago area and mostly we talked about if green bay or the Bears would do better that year. I drew one of my greatest piece s on the subject of a great highland battle in the which the Morrisons fought.

 Wisconsin has a certain otherness with its mythology. Everything is resting on a large fur.  It stands for the Bray Road Beast and the large black bear population. The Wisconsin Bray road Beast is similar to the Highland wulver which is best described as a mixer of man and wolf but not aggressive unless provoked. Behind everything is a butte and Lake Superior from the Apostle Islands. According to Ojibwe who were the first inhabitance of the area, the island were formed when Winneboujou ( a spirit) threw rocks at a dear that was swimming in the Great Lakes. The French gave the Islands the name it has now. The little ball on the fur is a cheese. Original, the state was known for wheat but that declined due to poor soil. Cheese is what rescued the state with the farmer puling to process the dairy. There were 1500 factories there by 1899.  The flag standing in the Cheese is Von Bismark’s German flag. The greatest immigration to the state was from Prussia and northern Germany in the 1840’s/50’s and the state is still very German. I drew this picture this year with pencil and white charcoal and is 8” x10.”

       The name of this piece is “Oak Trunk” and is done in ink and was draw about two years ago. Oak trees have always had a mystical quality. The Celts view it as a symbol of stability. This particular one was one in which children played. They were at school when I drew it because it had an interesting trunk. It was directly at the road so that one could see the effect of the road. I only had a few pen at the time, but did the best I could. If you would like to buy this or any other of my artwork email me at

Thursday, November 5, 2015

The land of an enchanted dying tongue and mountains that clouds of fairies hover breathe into the wind that I am Clan Morrison. The feel of the brush in the hand or standing in a foot of snow hanging over a frozen lake declare me an artist. Except natives, most artists have never been to Hawaii. I have never been to Hawaii. I had one friend from Hawaii and he said mostly there were rich people with skin problems.  I had another friend who had been a missionary to Hawaii. Ironically historically the missionaries were the biggest supporters of the royalty. American traders and planter who were perverts were the ones that finally deposed the royalty. Everyone is a minority in Hawaii so English is dominant because many languages are common with Hawaiian loosing strength as a native tongue. Ironically, he moved to Chuuk because it was a more open field. As a pastor he would talk about one of his deacon getting lost in the Pacific Ocean and being found sixty days latter. I am currently learning Gaelic and fairies. 

The mythology of Hawaii is different from any other state. As is easily stated, this is the first drawing of a state with a person in it. Her name is Pele, the volcano goddess. Originally depicted as the "Old Hag," it is currently stated that one sees a beautiful woman in native dress right before a volcano erupts and it rains. (I depicted her turning into a lava flow.) She is sitting next to a pith helmet. This is from the uniform of the Hawaiian Royal Guard which means Hawaii the only state to have sitting royalty. (The Americans deposed Queen ìLiliî who wrote ìAloha hoy,î but the monarchy was re-instated in the 1990ís.) Between Pele and the helmet is a Japanese prayer headband. As Hawaii is in the dead zone of the Pacific, The Chrysanthemum empire mythologizes Hawaii as fishermen Asiaís Pacific coast get swept there to their doom unless they end up in Hawaii even when Japan was isolating itself. (Peril harbor is said to be the birth place of sharks which is one of the reasons the Nippon navy targeted it.)The three along with the state flower are on a surf-board. Originally this was only a sport for nobility. (The crime for stealing the kingís wave was to get knocked off your surf board) I finished this picture last week.  

 The name of this piece is ìEternal Chaosî with Pen, Sumie, and Chinese Watercolors on 12" x 18" recently. The name is from fractal summitry. (My brother is a physicist. ) Chaos theory is best expressed in tree limbs. In the far right corner is the Japanese word for eternity which also means a thousand. This is an expression of science and a fall day or my melting watches. If you are interested in buying this or any other of my art email me at

Thursday, October 29, 2015


Mist ascending from the Hebrides Mountains and querulous red highland cows echo into the wind to the moor that I am Clan Morrison. Multiple pigments and charcoals that make inks and queries of graphite echo that I am an artist. Artists have had a unique connection to the Great Divide, and two states use it as their border Montana and Idaho. The name “Idaho” is from an Apache name that had nothing to do with the state. I learned the capital of the state because boys eat there. The National Geographic book mentioned Idaho’s “kissing frog.” The one of NAACP’s Idaho directors was white and that states is known for racism. That makes one ask if in that state has white people fighting about how great they are. It might have oil or natural gas. Scarlet O’Hara died in Idaho. Other then such, Idaho is just another cowboy state with beef being big like Texas or Montana which artists love as it is big and open. In a resent Friends of Israel conference one of the conference people said that Morrison might be Jewish perhaps explaining the red cows.

Idaho has a very unique and interesting mythology. Everything is one a Shoshone blanket. The most famous person of that nation was Sacagawea who lead Lewis and Clark to the head water of the Missouri River and to the West Coast (Her nation rests on the continental divide) and was honored with coin in 2001. (No one knows what she looked like.) They were forced on to a reservation in 1863 after 450 men, women and children were murdered by Californians in the Bear River Massacre. Mount MacCawen of the Sawtooth Mountains is in the far background. According to the Native American mythology, the Creator had to flood the world to destroy the evil spirits who were hiding in caves and the Sawtooth Mountains were the only caves left after the deluge. In front of everything is a potato. This is what makes Idaho unique. The tuber first came in 1847 with pioneers who thought they were in Utah and when the first agriculture records where made Idaho made a quarter million dollar on the crop. The cone is from the state tree Western White Pine. I drew this picture about a year-and-half ago with pencil and white charcoal and is 9” x12.”

The name of this picture is Buttercup and was ink drawn over a year ago and is 9” x 12.” Most of my art was drawn from life or picture with the exception that I have never been in Japan which I would love to visit. I would say that standing in a foot of snow is not usually part of art, but it helps finding a great composition. Spring before last, the buttercups came up and all I needed was a lawn chair. If you are interested in buying this or any other of my art email me at

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Washington -Wet

A thousand mystical Islands and hundreds of lochs and mountains haunted by battle between Highland Clans whispers in the wind that I am the Islander Clan Morrison. The mystical natures of graphite and ink and the easel and paper haunted by the nature which made them great trees echo that I am an artist. Nature is what makes artist and art lovers. Rainforests are the ideal. The only rainforest in the Continental United States are in Washington State. I ask my father what to put down for Washington State and he said “apple.” My other uncle lives in Washington’s apple country. But, I think everybody who eats apples from grocery stores in the US has had an apple from that state. (Washington people are apparently not in to grocery stores.)  Someone else to that question said rain with that in Seattle the bet on the rain every hour. It is both rain and apple. Ironically, Washington State is one of the only states to have a Highland & Island tartan.

Washington has a very unique mythos. Everything is on the French Bakery sign showing West Coast cruise. In front of everything is the state flower the coast rhododendron. The branch in the front is for the state tree Western Hemlock. The story goes that Washington had no state tree but an Oregon newsman making fun of them suggest what now the state tree is. Ironically, it was supported by the state senate because of the state’s wood industry. On the right side behind everything is Mount Rainier or Tacoma as the native people call it. According to Native American legends, Tacoma (meaning “mother of the waters”) fought with her “sister wife” over their husband, but she fled with her son to the valley which was so plentiful they got fat and became mountains. Between branch and the mountain is the Space Needle. It was built for the 1964 Seattle Words Fair and the decision on its height was built on a helicopter ride. The butte in the distant left behind all but Mount Reiner is for Olympic National Park which is one of the oldest national parks in America (and World Heritage site) and is associated with the Hoh, Jamestown S'Klallam, Elwha Klallam, Makah, Port Gamble, S'Klallam, Quileute, Quinault, and Skokomish Nations. I drew this picture over a year ago with pencil and white charcoal and is 9” x 12.”

 The name of this piece is “Loch 39” and was drawn last November (It snowed two days later.) with pen and is 8” x 10.” It was drawn in Independence, Ohio on the old Erie Canal at former Loch 39 which is near modern Cleveland and is currently part of a National Forrest. That is a sad element of Cleveland but good. Cleveland was once a great industrialized, manufacturing giant but now is “Tree Town.” If you are interested in buying this or any other of my art pieces email me at 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Beautiful white sand beaches defended by North frost and enchanted chessmen who will never play again recognize me as Clan Morrison. Beautiful drawings and enchanted carvings in maple and oak recognize me as an artist. As an artist, one is always looking for ancient forest and Oregon is the best example of that idea of forest. The state was original owned by Russia, US and England. The name is from the French word for hurricane because it rain all the time there. I know a youth pastor from Oregon. He called it the left coast. Worked his way through College at a lumber yard and could not define a two by four. Ironically, his wife drove out a “hanky” place in Oregon before they got married. When he moved to Indiana, he asked if it ever stopped snowing. My uncle also lives there and looks into Northern California from his house. I used to live near the white sands of Galveston in Texas.

Oregon has a very unique mythos even without Bigfoot. Everything is on a plank with a salmon on it. This stands for the Confederate Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon which throw the fish bone into the sea who believed that the salmon are an immortal people who live under the sea. (Salmon is not their real bodies) According to their legend, the tribe asks the Salmon people to come up their rivers. The state is still renowned for salmon. Behind everything is Mount Hood (Wyeast) which is the tallest peak in Oregon. According to the Native Americans, it was from a fight between Wyeast and another brave fighting for the affection of the woman who was magically turned beautiful and became Mount St. Helen. The woven tea pot is to represent the native peoples of Oregon. The pot would not be used for tea but would be used to remove tomanowas which the Native peoples believed caused illness and bad luck. The flowers in the pot are the state flower Oregon grape. It is a traditional medicine but is not a grape but a berry. In front of everything is Japanese maple. This is for the large Japanese population. I drew this picture last March with Pencil and white charcoal and is 8” x 10.”

The name of this piece is “Royal Deer Blessing” and is Sumi-e on 12” x 18” Rice paper. I used color to give life to the deer. It is painted on rice paper; ink spilled on the corner leaf on the flower came out that way. The flower is the imperial seal of Japan. Chrysanthemums are also symbolic of autumn in the four noble gentlemen. The Crane is symbolic of the good luck or blessing. There is a mountain in the far left corner. If you are interested in buying this or any other of my pieces, email me at 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Montana-New Texas
Cold, mystical West Wind and enchanted water horses from the depths breathe their course that declares me Clan Morrison of the Hebrides. The mystical natures of ink and pencil and the enchantment of canvas echo that I am an artist. As being a Texan, I seek other Texas like states. Montana seems to be that. It is big, open and a border state. (I hear the people on the other side of that border speak English, but a “BEEN” is a lagoon in the US.) (Also, there are several Large Native American Reservations in Montana and no large reservations in Texas which is known for two micro- reservations.) I had a friend from Montana who was a rancher but ended up in Chicago. He once commentated how he was from the frozen Texas. But, He did comment how he left his cows out in the blizzard.  Somehow he never got “yankee-ized.”  The state is known for rodeos also. They are on the reservations. This made the drawing difficult because I did not want to just re-draw “Texas.” I will have to admit I am not looking forward to draw in the snow this winter.

Montana issues a complete and unique mythos and does not contain some blond. Everything is on nothing because the state is known as the big sky country with the dessert being called the “big Empty.”  The flower is the state flower. The branch most things are on is the state tree the Mountain Hemlock. The Black Hills make up the western third of the state making the Great Divide the state’s western boundary. The mountains also give a refuge to the large wildlife during the harsh winters. The butterfly is the state insect Harbinger of Spring or Mourning cloak which is very resilient during the winter. It is symbolic of the vernal renaissance of Montana. The ax is university of Montana’s icon. The Teepee is fior the great Northern Plains Native Americans with the three largest nations in the state are the Crow in the southern and central part of the Flat-head Confederacy in the Rocky Mountain continental divide and the Blackfoot which are on the Canadian border. The Plains Indians Museum is on the Black-Foot reservation. The flat head Reservation is the fourth largest in the country. There is also a bear claw as for the native bears. I drew this picture about a year ago with pencil and white charcoal.

  The name of this picture is “Nobility in Red” and is made recently with Sumi-e and Chinese water colors. It has the four Noble gentlemen of Japanese Sumi-e which are wild orchid, chrysanthemum, (the imperial crest which make Japanese coin artworks) plum blossom and bamboo. In Japanese, something that is “in red” is absolute and complete. But also when an artist “signs” a piece, one does it with red. While Sumi-e traditionally in a grey scale for there is “a thousand colors in grey,” but flowers are the signatures of plants. (I have never seen a bamboo flower.) I did this piece on card stock so I’ll sell it for $25 +shipping. If you are interested in buying this or any other of my pieces, email me at 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Minnesota-Little Scandinavia
Haunted castles and lochs and mysterious horsemen whisper to the wind that I am clan Morrison. Life bearing charcoal ink and the mysterious beauty of nature whisper that I am an artist. Lakes became an important element in art in the early 1900íswhich is best represented in the land of lakes Minnesota. I had a friend from Minnesota who moved to Indiana because it was warmer where it hovers around zero for many days and can have several feet of snow and moved back when he retired. Ironically, he moved again to Indiana but never told anybody so I would check the weather there to see which place was colder.  I currently live in a place that has a lot of mystery. 

Minnesota has a very unique mythos. Everything on the picture is on a Norwegian flag. It is said that Vikings discover Minnesota over a thousand years ago. There is actually a stone with their writings in the state. Much later, Norwegians and Swedes immigrated to Minnesota in the 1800ís because of the similarity to their old country and created a Minnesota culture. The Loon in the front is the state bird. Everything is in front of a spoon with a cherry. This stands for the famous Spoonbridge and Cherry at the Walker Art center in Minneapolis. It was said of the Art center to look like a French dining table so the artist who was known for the ìrubber fansî made a spoon for the center. The oar with the word Voyager National and the beaver chewed tree stump are showing Voyager National Park on the northern Minnesota frontier with Canada and mostly inaccessable except for by water. This was supposedly where western European first entered the state with trade by French Voyagers with the native peoples. The park will be honored by a quarter in 2018. The stone in the fore ground is the state mineral Lake Superior agate. The microphone is for Prairie Home Companion which popularized the state. I drew this picture about a year ago with pencil and white charcoal.

  The Name of this picture is ìKnotwork treeî and was made with pen about a year ago. One of the things I notice with trees is that nature mimics Celtic design.Inf you are interested in Buying this or any other of my work email me at

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Delaware- first state
Standing stones with a mysterious past and sunken rode cut from peat bogs echo a whisper that I am Clan Morrison. The mysterious life of charcoal the purity of the canvas whisper to the wind that I am an artist. It is said that only one state is representative of the entire US which is Delaware as in its both agrarian and industrial; however, it tends to be more liberal then equal politically although it was the first state. It was the first state to ratify the constitution. The one person I knew from Delaware bemoaned the Lack of Christian Television. The only other thing on the state is Dela wares her new jersey.

The state of Delaware has a very interesting mythology. Everything is on the Delaware militia flag which was used during the American Revolution. That militia was famous for covering Washington’s famous retreat during the Battle of Long Island. Everything is in front of a Swedish flag as Delaware was a colony of Sweden. The governor was a fat Tyrant that the Indians call “Big Belly” There is a nursery rhyme about him that goes, “Not any one now or any one since has been as fat as Johan  Printz.” The Dutch drove the Swedes from Delaware. The state’s name is named for the native peoples who attacked the Anglo population in that area. The silver button in front of the glass is symbolic of a man who made a pact with the Devil to kill a thousand Indians, and his silver button supposedly killed a hundred. The flowers are the state flower peach blossom. The glass is there for the glass of wine that is left out for the ghost in the governor’s mansion. The pan behind the flower is because Delaware is known for making them. The feather behind the glass is the Blue Hen, the state bird, which was the best fighting cock during the American Revolution. The horse shoe is for Caesar Rodney, the deciding vote for declaring independence which he had to make a special ride to make. I drew this piece recently, and it is made with pencil and white charcoal. The size is 8”x10.”

 I drew this 12/14/13 and named it “Cleared field with Farm House.”  I was really cold when I drew it but the ink did not freeze and no snow. The breaths of woods and farm are brought together on a lonely road in Indiana. It gives a unique look at rural life. If you are interested in buying this or any other pieces of my work email me at

Thursday, September 3, 2015

South Dakota-Open
Craggy boulders in a Lewis, sheep fields and small, Gaelic-speaking fishing villages echo that I am Clan Morrison. Ancient, magical forest and epic, shallow rivers recognize that I am an artist. As an artist I have a affinity for open spaces or as the song says “don’t fence me in.” Of the entire empty places, South Dakota is one of the emptiest places in the US.  My brother thought one could draw South Dakota with a blank page, and when Hollywood needs a secret place, they turn to South Dakota. President TR went from being a rich New Yorker to a outdoors-man in South Dakota by work at a ranch where kept them from swearing. I am learning Gaelic.

South Dakota has a special mythology. The bird in the front is a ring-tailed partridge the state bird, but is also symbolic of the importance that South Dakota had in the Indian Wars with the place of Custer’s Last Stand where US Cavalry was out gunner and out manned by the Sioux Nation and was defeated. The flower is the state flower. The rock is the state gem. The water fall is for Sioux Falls which was mythical among the Native American and has the lowest unemployment outside of North Dakota. The waterfall itself is an attraction and is a national monument. The face is the face of President Theodore Roosevelt from Mount Rushmore. It was a New Deal era nation artwork part of the New Deal that was never completed and was suppose to go to chest high on all of the presidents.  It was his relative (third or fourth cousin) FDR who wanted his face on the monument but the artist who also never completed Stone Mountain question if TR would pass the test of time. (FDR out ranked him.) The other side of the face is Badland National Park which TR also liked. I drew this picture about a year ago with pencil and white charcoal.

I named this piece “Covered Bridge” and is ink and watercolor and 9”x12.”  One of the interesting element of watercolor is the green is not important. This picture combines the mythos of covered bridges and the green of nature.   I took the bridge from an unused one in Ohio near a metro-park. I you are interested in buying this painting or any other of my work please email me at

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Maryland-Old Glory
The glorious Highland luminance and the great Pictish Stones swear me that I am Clan Morrison. The lamination of expression and ancient trees and barns declare me an artist. As an artist, I have an affinity for the South and there was only one true border state which is Maryland. Oddly, the state anthem is the same music as O Christmas tree. They are known for crab cakes. I am learning to draw the Highlands.

  Maryland has a very interesting mythology. This piece does have some of the weirdness.   Everything is on “Old Glory,” the flag that flew over Fort McHenry which inspired the American national anthem when Francis Scott Key say it during the battle in the War of 1812. The fort is on the state’s national park quarter. The Black-eyed Susan on the horn is the state flower. The horn is actually a goat horn which is for Goatman who is from a weird vestigial organ study having the horns and hair of a goat and is ravishing the country-side.  I is currently on the Cryptide list for North America. The Lady with her hand on her cheek is “Black Aggie,” an illegally copy grave marker of a crying angel for a Civil War General.  There had been mysterious stories about it and a college fertility hazed new members by making them lay in her arms all night. One night exactly at midnight it can alive, killed the guy in its lap and stated swinging it at the rest of the college students. It was seized by the Smithsonian for the public protection. I drew this picture last week with pencil and white charcoal.

I named this piece “Flower  Barn” and made it with ink and water colors last spring. The joy with spring is color.  The vivid purples and other hues must be shown but the clouded skies need also to be seen. I used the wet on wet technique for the sky. If you want to by this or other of my work email me at

Thursday, August 20, 2015

The echo of the independent churches and the magical realm of the chilling breeze of faith declare me Clan Morrison. The nature of God’s creation and the exertion of the ghost of fore fathers declare me an artist. As a native Texan, I have a spiritual connection to wide open spaces such as in Nebraska. There is also a movie “Nebraska.” And, because of the vast openness all the children are practically home schooled, like me. It was the destination of the Pioneers. I was raised Independent Baptist strong in faith which I left after my mother died.

Nebraska has a very subtle and unique mythos and I do not mean cattle mutilation. Everything on the picture is on a ghost shirt. This is from a cult/ non- resistance movement that many of the plain Indians practiced during the late 1800’s. the shirts supposedly made one bullet proof and the ceremony (Ghost Dance) attached to it was suppose to bring the buffalo back and drive the Anglos away.  The flaring rod is the state grass. Nebraska is very much a prairie, but settler brought trees. Originally, it was for boundaries /wind breaks and small orchards. This is where Arbor Day came from as a way to bring in invasive species fruit tree. The Cow Head branding iron is for the ranching industry in Nebraska. It was brought from Texas with the Cowboys and has become one of the major industries with in-state meat packing creating the iconic “Omaha Steak.” Ironically it is the petroleum in the state that brings the state income at present. The turtle is the state reptile, the desert tortoise and show how dry the weather is.  I drew this picture about a year ago with pencil and white charcoal.

The name of this piece is “Mount Fuji” and is made in sumi-e being made recently. It shows two of the great symbols of Japan Mount Fuji, the holy mountain which overlooks Tokyo, and Cherry blossoms. The mountain is the most iconic in manga (Japanese cartoon) even on the moon but there are multiple sumie directions to paint the mountain. If you would like to buy this or any other of my work email me at

Thursday, August 13, 2015

New York
Magical Land of mermaids, fairies, and Wulvers of which science cannot know but all gave banners and courts swear me the Hebridean Clan Morrison. And, magic itself recognize its own expression making me an artist. To artist, New York is king.  In Texas, one salsa company says one should hang anyone with salsa from New York. I had a friend from New York who was dating a Georgian and told him that she was going to make him a Southerner and the next year they broke up. What is ironic about New York for Midwesterner is it isn't as cold but New Yorker brag about their snow and corruption. As an artist I am always studying weird magical creatures.

New York has always been legendary. Like that the Dutch actually bought it from Indians that did not own it. I imagine the Dutch got the bridge in the deal. The best known Icon of New York is the Statue of Liberty which is the favorite form of the French Goddess Marianne who the Parisians worshiped during the reign of terror offering her heads of royalty. In the US, the statue is a symbol of freedom for the oppressed including royalty. It gained an iconic status because it was the first thing that most immigrant and returning soldier saw in entering the United States. The little pot is because of the mythos and legendary nature of New York art which created the intro to the Sochi games. Yarmulke is for all the Jews of new York as Yiddish is the official second language of New York City even giving the nickname “Jew York.” The stone that is propping up the rose is for up-state New York which contains buffalo and Niagara falls. The rose is the state flower. The apple is the state fruit and also a nick name for New York City. The blue bird on the rim of the pot is the state bird.The shell in front of the apple is the scallop the state shell of New York. I drew this picture about a year ago.

The name of this peace is “Over the Stream” and is Sumi-e and ink drawing.  If you notice the tree is hovering above the stream. The dirt underneath was washed away and a root is holding on to the river bank. I painted it recently If you are interested in buying this or any other of my art Email me at

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Peat brick walls and northern light over the cool waters of Lewis declare me Clan Morrison Matthew Morrison. Beautiful natural abundance and rest of the mind demand a call for art and their creators. Wide open spaces have always drawn artist like that of the Midwest. New England is an art colony. The only state that is both is Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania has a unique mythos. the branch is the state tree. the flowers are the state flower the glasses are for Ben Franklin of Philadelphia who was a founder of America. The hat behind every thing is for the Quakers who were the first decent buys of the New world and the founders of the state. I drew this picture a year ago. if you are interested in buying this picture or any other of my matterial email me at

Friday, August 7, 2015

Learning my heart language with the land of my forefathers seeking freedom from England in my 20’s proves that I must be a Scottish Clan, Clan Morrison. Working hard at a profession but not not making much money at it proves that I am an artist. Being a native Texian, I used to live in Indiana, and I was cold and no longer seek snow. Most people there are Polish and the northern part of the state is as flat as a pancake. One often wonders if there is anything in Indiana apart from corn. Scotland still will one day be free.

Indiana has a unique mythos. This is skipping Indiana’s Bigfoot. Everything is on an Amish quilt. The Amish settle near the Potawatomi nation and have a museum. The shoe is a snow boot. The snow has its own mythology likewise the pioneers have a separate one with the best known being Abraham Lincon. The front is the state flower peony. The back flower is the state tree Tulip Tree. The hat is from the battle of Tippecanoe from Indiana’s favorite son Henry Harrison who died because of his long inaugural address. Hoosiers hate Tecumseh. The battle was actually the Americans beating back the Native Americans under the Prophet who were beating back the Americans under Governor Henry Harrison were destroying the their capital. I drew this picture last December.

The name of this piece is “Waterwheel” and I painted it recently with Sumie.  Some one said that there were very few water wheals left in Japan. Also, the poppies were something I loved in France. If you want to but this or any other of my art email me at

Saturday, July 25, 2015

A place of miserable weather and strong family connections declares me Clan Morrison. A miserable soul and being sick of college makes me an artist. Artist love the Appalachian and one of the lesser appreciated states is Ohio. In Florida, a friend yield out “OH” and from a distant show one herd an “IO.” He did this to prove the superiority of OHIO. Where I now live it rains every Sunday.

Ohio has a unique mythos. The state wild flower in front of the pipe is a white trillium which has Celtic Roots being the symbol of a warrior goddess. The arrow head is the state rock Ohio flint, but also for the original home of Tecumseh and Wounded Eye (“The Prophet”) over which was one of the reasons for the War of 1812 in creating a Anglo-Native American state of the Mid-west. The Native American still blame the English for Tecumseh’s failure. The Indian pipe shows two things. The first is the mound builders in Ohio. Second it remembers the Moravians who were massacred by the American Troops during the American Revolution.  The antler is for the state animal and a Native mythical beast called the wendigo. Everything is on the Ohio flag which is the only state dovetail flag. I drew this picture about a year ago 
I named this piece “Lewis” after Lewis Island which is just off the coast of Scotland. These thatched stone circular building are still used there. Clan Morrison is also from there. If you are interested in this or any other of my work email me at

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The rocky cliff and green moors, my ancestral land declare me clan Morrison. A need for freedom to morn made me an artist. Wide open places have always been important to artist. There is nowhere more open then Kansas. But Kansas also has the dark past of a war over slavery and a divition during the civil war. I now live near the hills.

Kansas-spirit of the prairy.jpg

Kansas has a very unique mythos as it is not as strong the South or the west .The emptiness is symbolic of the openness of the state. In the distance is the image of the buffalo. It is symbolic the spirit of the Native Americans that roomed the vast prairie. The Sun Flower is the state flower and the symbol of the state being on the state quarter. The Meadow Lark is the state bird. The Cottonwood is the state tree. The blade of wheat shows how Kansas is a cereal state. I drew this picture about a year ago.

Rice and Roses0003.jpg

The name of this Rice Culture as in China, Japan, Korea, ect. with sumie Japanese charcoal ink painting. It is said that is why Japanese are so smart.  That dedication also brings beauty seen in the rose. I panted this picture recently and if you are interested in buying this or another of my art email me at