Thursday, August 20, 2015

The echo of the independent churches and the magical realm of the chilling breeze of faith declare me Clan Morrison. The nature of God’s creation and the exertion of the ghost of fore fathers declare me an artist. As a native Texan, I have a spiritual connection to wide open spaces such as in Nebraska. There is also a movie “Nebraska.” And, because of the vast openness all the children are practically home schooled, like me. It was the destination of the Pioneers. I was raised Independent Baptist strong in faith which I left after my mother died.

Nebraska has a very subtle and unique mythos and I do not mean cattle mutilation. Everything on the picture is on a ghost shirt. This is from a cult/ non- resistance movement that many of the plain Indians practiced during the late 1800’s. the shirts supposedly made one bullet proof and the ceremony (Ghost Dance) attached to it was suppose to bring the buffalo back and drive the Anglos away.  The flaring rod is the state grass. Nebraska is very much a prairie, but settler brought trees. Originally, it was for boundaries /wind breaks and small orchards. This is where Arbor Day came from as a way to bring in invasive species fruit tree. The Cow Head branding iron is for the ranching industry in Nebraska. It was brought from Texas with the Cowboys and has become one of the major industries with in-state meat packing creating the iconic “Omaha Steak.” Ironically it is the petroleum in the state that brings the state income at present. The turtle is the state reptile, the desert tortoise and show how dry the weather is.  I drew this picture about a year ago with pencil and white charcoal.

The name of this piece is “Mount Fuji” and is made in sumi-e being made recently. It shows two of the great symbols of Japan Mount Fuji, the holy mountain which overlooks Tokyo, and Cherry blossoms. The mountain is the most iconic in manga (Japanese cartoon) even on the moon but there are multiple sumie directions to paint the mountain. If you would like to buy this or any other of my work email me at

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