Thursday, November 5, 2015

The land of an enchanted dying tongue and mountains that clouds of fairies hover breathe into the wind that I am Clan Morrison. The feel of the brush in the hand or standing in a foot of snow hanging over a frozen lake declare me an artist. Except natives, most artists have never been to Hawaii. I have never been to Hawaii. I had one friend from Hawaii and he said mostly there were rich people with skin problems.  I had another friend who had been a missionary to Hawaii. Ironically historically the missionaries were the biggest supporters of the royalty. American traders and planter who were perverts were the ones that finally deposed the royalty. Everyone is a minority in Hawaii so English is dominant because many languages are common with Hawaiian loosing strength as a native tongue. Ironically, he moved to Chuuk because it was a more open field. As a pastor he would talk about one of his deacon getting lost in the Pacific Ocean and being found sixty days latter. I am currently learning Gaelic and fairies. 

The mythology of Hawaii is different from any other state. As is easily stated, this is the first drawing of a state with a person in it. Her name is Pele, the volcano goddess. Originally depicted as the "Old Hag," it is currently stated that one sees a beautiful woman in native dress right before a volcano erupts and it rains. (I depicted her turning into a lava flow.) She is sitting next to a pith helmet. This is from the uniform of the Hawaiian Royal Guard which means Hawaii the only state to have sitting royalty. (The Americans deposed Queen ìLiliî who wrote ìAloha hoy,î but the monarchy was re-instated in the 1990ís.) Between Pele and the helmet is a Japanese prayer headband. As Hawaii is in the dead zone of the Pacific, The Chrysanthemum empire mythologizes Hawaii as fishermen Asiaís Pacific coast get swept there to their doom unless they end up in Hawaii even when Japan was isolating itself. (Peril harbor is said to be the birth place of sharks which is one of the reasons the Nippon navy targeted it.)The three along with the state flower are on a surf-board. Originally this was only a sport for nobility. (The crime for stealing the kingís wave was to get knocked off your surf board) I finished this picture last week.  

 The name of this piece is ìEternal Chaosî with Pen, Sumie, and Chinese Watercolors on 12" x 18" recently. The name is from fractal summitry. (My brother is a physicist. ) Chaos theory is best expressed in tree limbs. In the far right corner is the Japanese word for eternity which also means a thousand. This is an expression of science and a fall day or my melting watches. If you are interested in buying this or any other of my art email me at

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