Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Minnesota-Little Scandinavia
Haunted castles and lochs and mysterious horsemen whisper to the wind that I am clan Morrison. Life bearing charcoal ink and the mysterious beauty of nature whisper that I am an artist. Lakes became an important element in art in the early 1900íswhich is best represented in the land of lakes Minnesota. I had a friend from Minnesota who moved to Indiana because it was warmer where it hovers around zero for many days and can have several feet of snow and moved back when he retired. Ironically, he moved again to Indiana but never told anybody so I would check the weather there to see which place was colder.  I currently live in a place that has a lot of mystery. 

Minnesota has a very unique mythos. Everything on the picture is on a Norwegian flag. It is said that Vikings discover Minnesota over a thousand years ago. There is actually a stone with their writings in the state. Much later, Norwegians and Swedes immigrated to Minnesota in the 1800ís because of the similarity to their old country and created a Minnesota culture. The Loon in the front is the state bird. Everything is in front of a spoon with a cherry. This stands for the famous Spoonbridge and Cherry at the Walker Art center in Minneapolis. It was said of the Art center to look like a French dining table so the artist who was known for the ìrubber fansî made a spoon for the center. The oar with the word Voyager National and the beaver chewed tree stump are showing Voyager National Park on the northern Minnesota frontier with Canada and mostly inaccessable except for by water. This was supposedly where western European first entered the state with trade by French Voyagers with the native peoples. The park will be honored by a quarter in 2018. The stone in the fore ground is the state mineral Lake Superior agate. The microphone is for Prairie Home Companion which popularized the state. I drew this picture about a year ago with pencil and white charcoal.

  The Name of this picture is ìKnotwork treeî and was made with pen about a year ago. One of the things I notice with trees is that nature mimics Celtic design.Inf you are interested in Buying this or any other of my work email me at

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