Saturday, July 25, 2015

A place of miserable weather and strong family connections declares me Clan Morrison. A miserable soul and being sick of college makes me an artist. Artist love the Appalachian and one of the lesser appreciated states is Ohio. In Florida, a friend yield out “OH” and from a distant show one herd an “IO.” He did this to prove the superiority of OHIO. Where I now live it rains every Sunday.

Ohio has a unique mythos. The state wild flower in front of the pipe is a white trillium which has Celtic Roots being the symbol of a warrior goddess. The arrow head is the state rock Ohio flint, but also for the original home of Tecumseh and Wounded Eye (“The Prophet”) over which was one of the reasons for the War of 1812 in creating a Anglo-Native American state of the Mid-west. The Native American still blame the English for Tecumseh’s failure. The Indian pipe shows two things. The first is the mound builders in Ohio. Second it remembers the Moravians who were massacred by the American Troops during the American Revolution.  The antler is for the state animal and a Native mythical beast called the wendigo. Everything is on the Ohio flag which is the only state dovetail flag. I drew this picture about a year ago 
I named this piece “Lewis” after Lewis Island which is just off the coast of Scotland. These thatched stone circular building are still used there. Clan Morrison is also from there. If you are interested in this or any other of my work email me at

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The rocky cliff and green moors, my ancestral land declare me clan Morrison. A need for freedom to morn made me an artist. Wide open places have always been important to artist. There is nowhere more open then Kansas. But Kansas also has the dark past of a war over slavery and a divition during the civil war. I now live near the hills.

Kansas-spirit of the prairy.jpg

Kansas has a very unique mythos as it is not as strong the South or the west .The emptiness is symbolic of the openness of the state. In the distance is the image of the buffalo. It is symbolic the spirit of the Native Americans that roomed the vast prairie. The Sun Flower is the state flower and the symbol of the state being on the state quarter. The Meadow Lark is the state bird. The Cottonwood is the state tree. The blade of wheat shows how Kansas is a cereal state. I drew this picture about a year ago.

Rice and Roses0003.jpg

The name of this Rice Culture as in China, Japan, Korea, ect. with sumie Japanese charcoal ink painting. It is said that is why Japanese are so smart.  That dedication also brings beauty seen in the rose. I panted this picture recently and if you are interested in buying this or another of my art email me at

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Arizona- Old West
Centuries ago my ancestors lost their high title for the king the loved and fled for America frothier lives, thus making me Clan Morrison Mathew Morrison. For college, I fled it for a mother I loved, but mom died and I am a starving arts. As an artist, I have a love for the South. The Confederacy had one territory which was Arizona. The O. K. Corral incident was federal marshal verses Confederate sympathizers. I rode through the state twice but was sick both times. I did have a Natural Science teacher in junior high from Camel Back, Arizona. It is named for the nearby mountain that looks like the outline of a camel. My teacher use to tell stories about how he would fish, hunt, and camp. My pastor in Texas was also from Arizona. When I was in High school, he would commonly take the Youth Group to the Texas Hill Country. One of the time he commented how the mesquite trees reminded him of of his home state. I told him, “Mr. Holm and the Texas department of agriculture say they use to much water.” He just smirked. ( Water is a very limited resource in both Texas and Arizona.) The Act of Union was revoked recently and technically re-instating titles so I am Brieve Matthew Morrison.

Arizona has a vivid mythology. This is as addition to the “Shoot out at the O.K. Corral and Grand Canyon. Everything is on red sandstone which is iconic of the states national parks and its own national park Red Rock.. Cactus Wren in front of the Sonora Cactus is the state bird.  The Sonora cactus is the state flower.  It is said one can survive in the dessert on Sonora meat alone. The blossoming branch is the state tree. When it rains, the desert gains new beauty with blossoms with yellows and pinks. The Alligator wood stump has a war chief carved into it. This is in memory of the great Indian wars against the native peoples. This is not to say that the Apache were innocent. (In war, innocence is a luxury.)However, I did watch the movie Brocken Arrow. Ironically is that it was not a “war Chief” that was the most famous Native American leader Geronimo. He became a symbol of the freedom of the Old West perhaps because he kept getting captured and going back to his homeland. I drew this picture about a year and a half ago.

 I named this piece Two bridges because it shows a man made bridge and fallen logs, God made bridge. It is a challenge of opposites yet the same. I drew it in a very early wood and I imagined something weird would happen. Something magical like a fairy comes and wished to sing and play or something else magical. I almost thought I would see a leprechaun. When I finished it outdoors, it rained. If you are interested in buying this or any other of my drawing email me at

Thursday, July 9, 2015


If one looks closely at the “Stars and Bars,” one sees the Saltier of Scotland, and I am of the proud Highland Clan Morrison being Matthew Morrison. As being a artist and as being born in Texas, I have a love for the South. One of the most interesting states which seceded was Oklahoma. (called “Indian Territory” at the time.) It seceded by most of the Native American Nation joining the Confederacy. (Ironically, because of the “second Battle of Wounded Knee” the Cherokee have reservations across the South.) As being raised in Texas, Okies were similar to Aggies and somehow to me got connected to okra. (I have no idea why.)The party out of power would hide there when redistricting came. When ask my father pointed out that it has navigable fivers. (Texas does not.) I went to a summer camp in Oklahoma; it was with my Spanish Church in Houston. For an outing, we went to the Choctaw museum on their Reservation. In the Guest book for the comment section some in the group wrote “I am Mexican.” (Most Mexicans have some Native American blood as I have met a blond Mexican but the all love the Aztecs.) Most did not speak English very well so most wrote “Hispanic.” ( as stated before That could fit. One wrote “I’m Black.” (I think that one spoke English.) I have a Confederate flag of the Cherokee nation on the wall in my studio.

Oklahoma has a very unique mythos. While it was part of the Louisiana Purchase, the US mostly shoved the East Woodland Nations. This is where the Trail of Tears ended for Chief John Ross and his People. The most noted Nation is the Cherokee and the same Chief Ross led the Cherokee against the “tyranny of the ‘Stars and Stripes’ at the Battle of Pea Ridge and was captured making the Cherokee give up more land. This is why there is the Secession flag of the Choctaw Nation which everything on the picture rests as all but one civilized nation seceded. It is a blue flag with a red peace pipe, red bow and red arrows, and strangely on occasion gets put into the flags of Texas. (The Oklahoma panhandle was part of the Republic of Texas.) The moccasin is for the modern nations with a Phoenix. The Bonnet is for the pioneers. The Term “Sooners” is for those who broke the law and were on the Indian Land before white settlers where allowed on it. The ear of Corn is for the movie of that name. I drew this picture over a year and half ago this pencil and white Charcoal.

This is a Charcoal rendition of one of the Calanais Stones in the Island of Lewis, Scotland. The flag next to it is the flag of Clan Morrison, the traditional rulers of the area. (I am a Morrison.) It is commonly called the Standing stones or the Scot Stone Hinge. No one really knows what it was used for, but the Clan Morrison believes that they judged the Islanders from there. If you would like to buy this drawing or any other drawing email me at 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Missouri- Southern
Scots blood of the wee little island of Lewis off the coast of Scotland making me Clan Morrison. While I majored in Communication, a trip to France disillusioned me to that life so I quit school and became an artist while my mother was dying of Cancer .As an Artist and in spite of the resent happenings in the news (or because of them)I have a strong affinity for the South. But I have lived in the Midwest for a while. There is one state which is both Midwest and Southern. Missouri was one of the last states to secede from the Union, but it was known for its Irish brigade Kelly’s Irish brigade. Ironically, it was instrumental in “Bleeding Kansas.” (One could say with this that slavery was not cause of the Civil War.)  Branson, Missouri is the best substitute Disney ever. I remember when I rode though the state. The round was eleven so the car bounced up and down so we bounced with it up and down and drove my mom nuts. The place where my ancestors landed in the in the US is similar in appearance to the Hebrides Islands in Scotland.

Missouri has a very unique mythos in its declaration as Midwestern and geographically South. I decided to skip the arch because it is better known then the state. The arrow head in the front is supposed to be made out of the state rock Mozarkite and express the native peoples of Missouri.  I have not heard of any accounts of the US Army forcing people out but there stories of them being wrongly accused for their race. There is also a copy of Tom Sawyer which is obsessed with the N word for being against racism. Mark Twain Created the mythology of the Old South with its gentrification and emphases on slavery and placing the ideal Old South in Missouri. ( So much for being Midwestern.) The State flower looks like the Hawthorne Flower and Hawthorn tree have always been mythological and contained magical powers. Everything is on top of the secession flag of Missouri. It is a red field with a large red Cross. The cross in this cross flag is Roman Catholic.  Ironical the Papal States were the European country to closest recognize the South.  The dogwood blossom on the book stands for the state tree. I drew this about a year ago.

 Rowan tree are said to have power to protect from duine shì, fairies. I drew this on a Ohio back road using ink pens and latter high light with Japanese ink painting called Sumi-e. I sun burned my arm doing it but found it quintessential nature. This picture should be viewed as it were over looking you. It is covering you on top protecting you from danger. Yet, the firm branches are on you, but in kindness. If you are interested in buying this piece or any others on the blog email me at