New Jersey- Devil
Misty magical islands off from Scotland and beautiful,
angelic creatures that transform into seals when they wear a skin call me Clan
Morrison. Magical fairy knolls and the fraternity and oddity of artist declare
me an artist. The art Mecca of New York is completed in New Jersey as the
Statue of Liberty is actually in New Jersey. Also, Benjamin Franklin’s son was
the last royal governor of there. The
name New Jersey is from the British protectorate and Francophone of Jersey
which is officially independent. Ironically there is some confusion about the
“Jersey Boys” and people from Jersey island. (They are the only people who
speak French with an English accent) But, the state, also, has a dark side. I
ask my father what to put for New Jersey and he said crime rate. To hide the
slums from the interstate, high green, concrete walls were built in front of
them. The government is said to have caused the greatest traffic jam in
American history to show its power. One should also not forget about Jersey
Shore © and “Boardwalk Empire.” In regard to the first sentence, I write this
after a bout of monastic meditation.
New Jersey is renowned for its mythology. Everything is on the
famous Atlantic City’s Board Walk. It was created in 1870 to protect the trains
and fancy hotels from the sand but it was not until 1883 that the hundreds of
store were allowed on it. The Boardwalk did not gain its current size and
design came in 1916 and gambling coming in the 1970’s. Everything is in front of
a water fall, Great Falls. Falls are
from the City of Paterson and created a place for the mill with the Society for
Establishing Useful Manufacturers (S.U.M.) in 1792. The light bulb is for
Thomas Edison’ “Invention Factory” in Menlo Park, New Jersey. The plank on the light bulb stand has the symbol
of the Appalachian trail which goes trough that state. The weird horse with bat wings
is my rendition of a “Jersey Devil,” New Jersey’s cryptid. (Their Bigfoot
flies.)The story of its origin goes that Mrs. Leed pray to the Devil when she
was in labor with her 13th child for that child to be a demon. The creature supposedly lives in the southern
Pine Barrens of New Jersey. The cannon
is for the cannon that the mythical “Molly Pitcher” manned after her husband was incapacitated during the
American Revolution as the state was the cross roads of that war which is
memorialized on its state quarter. The flower is the state flower of violet. New Jersey was drawn recently with
pencil and charcoal and is 8” x 10.”
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