Ghosts of Highlanders of Culloden
Moor and the expulsions and the serpentine mermaid Morag sing to the wind and
sea that I am of the Highland Clan Morrison. The breath of a snow-bond easel
and the Chi of ground ink say that I am an artist. Art has a unique connection
to the sea and the sea has a unique synergy with the state of Maine. It is also
one of the most northerly of the lower forty-eight and half of it was owned by England
as part of Canada until the mid-1800’s. It is so northern that it has a colony
of Puffin Bird, an aquatic subarctic bird. I used to have a friend from there
who had a very dominate personality kind of like a New Yorker. He pronounced
“ar’s” as soft “o.” The first year in Houston his son who can down with him got
married, and got a raise. Ironically while New England tourism has its mark on
it, Maine’s main industry is making paper from its vast forest. I am actually
from near the port city of Houston and grew up near a swamp.

The Name of this piece is Snowy Log over Creak which was draws with ink and Sumi-e recently.It
was relatively warm by snowing when I started drawing but dropped to the teen
by completion. The Sumie I added gives how cold it was. If you are interested in buying this or any
other of my work email me at
to order.
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