The Calis cats which is said to have the powers of the
fairy magic and magical giant wolves that roam the Highlands and feed the poor
fish swear that I am Clan Morrison. Bamboo, horsehair Sumie brushes and the
life-force of charcoal recognize that I am an artist. Colorado is said to be
the mountain Mecca for art. This arrived because the gold strike and then the
silver strike. Also, my brother is from the state. He emphasized the large
German population and Yellow Cake. My senior trip in high school taken with a
local Christian School was to go skiing in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. I was
living in Texas, and little is remembered on the lower oxygen as it is the
“Mile High State.” The first day I was there, I was up to my chest in snow. I had not prepared for drawing in the snow so
I missed the opportunity to capture the beauty on paper. I also signed up for
the mountain hike. In five minutes into the hike, the snow was up to my stomach
and I was out of breath. In reference to the other thing, there is a black cat
that owns me.

Colorado has a very unique mythology even exuding Bigfoot. Behind
everything is Mount Tava (Ute:Sun)also called Pike’s Peak and the people are Tabeguache or “People of the Sun.” (“Ta-Wa-Ah-Gath” is
another name given for the mountain.) It is said to be the place of their
creation story and is considered sacred. (They are said to be the descendent of
Aztecs.) According to their legend, Old
Man Coyote opened a bag to see what was inside it from which the people
escaped. Zebulon Pike tried to climb it in 1806 giving it his name. In 1893, gold was found in the mountain’s shadow. It
was a ski resort until 1984. Everything is on a sand dune from Dune National
Park which is honored by the national park quarter. The ski boot is for the big
winter sports arena. The flower is the state flower Columbine. The name given
by scientist is aquilegia (Latin: eagle because its peddles look like talents)
its meaning is either foolishness or holiness. The bird on the boot is the state bird lark
bunting. The weird box is the state mineral Rhodochrosite. It is 8” x 10,” drawn with pencil and white
charcoal and completed in 2014.

The name of
this piece is
Frozen Ditch, is 9” x
12” and drawn with ink March 2014. This was drawn on a gravel road when I was
in the Indiana boondocks in the winter. (It was not really that cold that day.)
Frozen streams have a unique beauty as the media and the sculpting untencle are
formed into one. Also, it is a forest stratteling a road or nature and
civilization living in harmony. If you are interested in buying this or any
other of my work email me at
to order.