Ghosts of Highlanders of Culloden
Moor and the expulsions and the serpentine mermaid Morag sing to the wind and
sea that I am of the Highland Clan Morrison. The breath of a snow-bond easel
and the Chi of ground ink say that I am an artist. Art has a unique connection
to the sea and the sea has a unique synergy with the state of Maine. It is also
one of the most northerly of the lower forty-eight and half of it was owned by England
as part of Canada until the mid-1800’s. It is so northern that it has a colony
of Puffin Bird, an aquatic subarctic bird. I used to have a friend from there
who had a very dominate personality kind of like a New Yorker. He pronounced
“ar’s” as soft “o.” The first year in Houston his son who can down with him got
married, and got a raise. Ironically while New England tourism has its mark on
it, Maine’s main industry is making paper from its vast forest. I am actually
from near the port city of Houston and grew up near a swamp.
has a very interesting mythology. The first thing that one notices is the camel
which is a metal statue from the desert of Maine. As it is said, it was
originally a farm. The “desert” appeared because of bad farming causing the top
soil to blow off showing the sand underneath. It became a tourist site in 1917
with a sand museum. Everything is in front
of the Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse which was built in 1895 with the brake
water coming in 1951. The first keeper was known for his duck decoys. The flag
on the light house is the Acadian flag which represent the Cajuns (Acadians)
which were force to leave by the English in the 1760’s. The US named the
national park on Mount Desert Island after them. The
boat is for Penobscot Marine Museum which is a perfectly preserved New England
town from the early 1800’s.The Eye on the very bottom of the picture is the
lake monster Poco from Pocomoonshine Lake which are 30 foot snakes. In front of
the camel is a lobster which is what most know Maine for. It is 8” x 10,” drawn with
pencil and white charcoal and completed recently.
The Name of this piece is Snowy Log over Creak which was draws with ink and Sumi-e recently.It
was relatively warm by snowing when I started drawing but dropped to the teen
by completion. The Sumie I added gives how cold it was. If you are interested in buying this or any
other of my work email me at
to order.