Washington D.C-Capital City
The arrow hitting the Island Beast and Merlin’s Crag that
house the Sith sing a ballad to the wind that I am Clan Morrison. The beauty of
the research models and the zen of the nature sing that I am an artist. The one Southern “state” is the Distric of
Columbia (In 1860, Washington’s mayor seceded which is why the union army commandeered
all the buildings. They did not gave a mayor for a hundred years. Currently
they have no representation on their taxes which is why they say “No taxation
without repisentation.) My brother went is DC for his senior trip and said that
it has the worst drivers except around Federal buildings. It is said that the
Washington has worse violence then Bagdad which is why Congress deposed the
mayor until 2006 with the drop in crime. As also being the capital of the US
and congress defining their government, there is some resentment among
residents and officials. The region was settled by Anacostines until the Ulster
came in the late 1600’s. The District
was establishing in 1788 and was desighned by Pierre L’Enfant. Slaverly was big
in washing ton and Georgetown until the Civil war. Then, all the cities where
unified as Washington under Grant. I
think I saw a sith.
Washington, DC has a really great mythology. A Snallygaster
which is kind of like a pterodactyl flys over from time to time and the is a
demon cat that hunts mice in the Smithsonian and White House, but neither made
the picture. (I think that the president owns a cat but did not tell
Americans.) Behind everything on the left is Washington Monument. It is two tone
because of its completion by Grant. Behind everything on the right in the US
Capital Building which is restored from the fire in 1812. It was not completed until the end of the
Civil War. Everything is on the Flag in the Lincoln Box in Ford Theater where
he was shot in 1864 and is currently preserver as it was. The book with
Shakespeare is for the Folger Shakespeare Library which contains a third of
Will Shakespeare original works. The ruby slipper is for the Smithsonian. The
rock is the Hope Diamond which is said to be cursed ever since it was taken
from the head of an idol. In
was founded out of a strange bequest of a strange Englishman. It is 9” x 12,” drawn with pencil and white
chalk and completed recently.
The name of this piece is Wheat is 8.5” x 11” and drawn with Sumi-e on watercolor paper
recently. I always looked forward to wheat in Indiana.If you are interested in buying this or
any other of my work email me at MatthewMorrison76@yahoo.com to order.
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