Thursday, June 2, 2016

Illinois- Chicago

The Cup of Healing of the little brown man and the spear Gea-Bolg of Setana blow into the waves that I am Clan Morrison. The Ink sketch of a calm lake and the Zen of the shakuhachi fluke play to the wind that I am an artist. I started my art “career” on the Illinois Indiana border and learn to drive in Illinois. It is said that Illinios was fast tracked to statehood because of the Illionios-Missippi Canal connected the East Coast to New Orlands as a Free State. Illinois is still very agrarian and centrally not very populated. It is largely defined its largest city Chicago which is also the largest inland port in the United States. ( I used to live in Chicagoland.) this is why Al Capone defines the state in spite of the fact that he spent more time in Indiana. But, corruption in Chicago is rampant even now. I study fairies like the little brown man now.

The mythology of Illinois is especially unique. It has a three lagged creators named the Enfield Horror which is not in the picture. Behind everything is the Chicago Water Tower which survived the Great Fire. The tower was  built 1869 to pump clean water to the Chicago as Lake Michigan water directly surrounding the city was to polluted. It inspired the outside design of White Castel Burger restaurants. Everything is on the Garden of the Gods Wilderness stone in Shawnee National Forest which is honored in the states National park quarter.  It was part of the Depression area CCC operation. The top hat is of course Lincoln’s top hat as Illinois is called “The Land of Lincoln.”  Licon moved to the state when he was twenty after living in Indiana and Kentucky. He is buried in the state. The bean (which is its nickname) is the Cloud Gate.  It was designed by an Indian and reflects Michigan Avenue. The windmill is the Fabyan Windmill. It was built in the mid-1800’s in Lombard, Illinois but was moved to Fabya Forest Preserve in 1914 and was restored by a Dutch windmill maker in 2005.  It is 9” x 12,” drawn with pencil and white chalk and completed recently.

The name of this piece is Chanting Dragon is 8.5” x 11” and drawn with Sumi-e on watercolor paper February 2016. Dragon are close to gods in Asia and symbolizes fatherliness. The phrase in English is “the dragon chants through the withered tree,” a zen meditation. If you are interested in buying this or any other of my work email me at to order.  

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