International Peace Park
The civilation that was eaten by the beach and the black cat
or “Cait Sith” that thought witchcraft sucks a man's soul out by sleeping on
his Chest sing that I am the Highlander Clan Morrison. The small sketch books
that define great piece and the snow which create negative space announce that
I am an artist. I was born in Texas and in many ways Texas is commonly compared
to Montana with big sky and conservative ideas and also I one had a youth
pastor from Alberta, Canada. The first
international friendship part between the US and Canada was Waterton-Glacier
International Peace Park found as one entity but separate administration in
1932. Originally the park was the Blackfoot traditional hunting ground but
their have been human activities in the park for more then 10,000 year.( It is
said that the Sioux hid in the park during the Indian Wars because the US
Cavalry) The Canadian Waterton Lakes National Park was founded in 1895 and the
American Glacier national park was founded in 1910 to protect the natural
beauty from the mistaken idea that there was gold in the area. Ironically, do
to climate change the park only has a few glaciers. I have a black cat who
likes to sleep on my chest.
International peace park has a special mythos. Everything is infront of or on Many Glacier Valley and Swiftcurrent
Lake. The boat is Chief
Two Gun named for the chief that
sold the park to the federal government which ferry passengers over Grinnel
Lake. The sign is for Logan Pas
which is closed during the winter. The bus is the the famous Red Buses which
are 1930's vintage but were refurbished by Ford. It is 9” x 12,” drawn
with pencil and Charcoal and completed recently.

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