Friday, May 8, 2015

I left Purdue University to sell my art when my dear mother went to Glory and my name is Matthew Morrison thus Clan Morrison. Like many artist and most Europeans, I have an affinity for Southern culture.  The only time ever lived in a dorm was studying at a Christian college on the Florida /Georgia border and it was only for one semester. It was way before the group started.  They were very relaxed people ironically as Georgia started as a penal colonies supposedly similar to Siberia.. Pity I left Indiana to go there and had lost my Southernisms by then. I felt more annoyed by their friendliness so I would random things and it would impress them with some strange ability.   Like most artist I am a bit of a loner. There was a very strong honor culture which meant that the discipline board had little knowledge on what was going on most of the time especially for the party dorm. Many people from there lived in Georgia.

Georgia has some of the greatest mythos of the South. The Peach is iconic of a “Southern belle” from Georgia with the welcome sign quoting the Texan Willy Nelson’s song “I got Georgia on my Mind.” One of the greatest icons of Georgia is Coca-Cola. The inventor of it did not make much money on it and the recipe for the great national secretes. The flag it is on was the flag that Georgia chose when it seceded from the Union. The mountain is the highest point in Georgia put to get her with Stone Mountain paid for unofficially by the KKK; however, it was never completed with only Virginia represented. (Originally, all Confederate states and nations were to be represented with two of each group’s most famous Confederate leader.) The Stars and Bars on the Cannon was there state flag until the 60’s MLK in the capital Atlanta. The foal behind the cannon is from Cumberland Island National Seashore The one joke in the drawing is little flag behind the former state flag is the national flag of the republic of Georgia (south of Russia on the Black sea coast) because there was always humor in confusing the names. The Flower is the state flower Cherokee rose with George like most Southern states having a Cherokee reservation. The acorn rests as the stat tree is oak. I drew it about half a year ago.

Five Native American Nations fought proudly for the Confederate States of America. The Southern Government opened the majority of Native American people. A few historians think that the Lakota attack in Minnesota may have been encouraged by Richmond. The two most well known Nations to fight for the South in the Civil War were the Seminal and the Cherokee. Some believe that the Cherokee Chief John Ross seceded to defend slavery as opposed to Anglo Southern States seceding from Northern bank and their government.  He was capture dressed as a Southern gentleman leading his people in battle against the government that drove them to the”Trail of Tears.”   This drawing, gave to a Christian School action which the pastor of that Church, a CSA paraphernalia, bought; however, if anyone is interested in it email me at and I will try redraw it for you.

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