Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Death Valley -Dry 

The tell tale eye of the selkie and the arrow that hit Dubh a' Ghiubhais breath to the wind that I am can Morrison. There have said to be natives in the Death Valley for the past 10,000 but no large community. The name supposed ly came from a migrant who saith “Good by, Death Valley.” it officially became a national park in 1994. I like archery.

Death Valley National Park has a special mythos including a serial killer and chupacabra. Be hide every thing is Golden Canyon. The bee hive hut is one the Wildrose Charcoal Kilns which were completed in 1877 for George Hearst for Modoc Consolidated Mining Company.  The Fountain is for the Oasis o the Desert  which was opened in 1927. The sign in front of the fountain is tea kettle junction where one writes a note on a teakettle and leave it for the next traveler. The wagon in the fountain  is for the  Pacific Coast Borax Companymuseum if you are interested in my work email me at MatthewMorrison76@gmail.com to order.