Saskatchewan-Land of Rivers
The Green Mountain that Ronald found refuge and the great hero
Cuchullin whose car was as Nature itself, these gave the blast that I am clan
Morrison. The waft of hair spray and the ancient coldness of a snow setting
declare me an artist. Roy Rogers was my first introduction to Saskatchewan. I
knew someone from there who said it was big as Texas. The name means the river
that flows swiftly. Its claim to fame is i its fight for Irish independence in
the 1880’s. When the railroad came it made it the wealthiest province. I am
bound to a weird land.
Saskatchewan has a very special mythology. The lake behind
everything is Candle Lake which is called that is the Native once candle on the
far north end at night when no one was there. The bridge over the lake is sky
trail the longest pedestrian bridge in North America at 3,000 foot span. The weird
horse in the water is the Turtle Lake Monster which residents have said is a
large sturgeon. The “Pool”
grain elevator which operated until the 1970’s is in Bent one of the provinces
many ghost towns. Everything rests on the Flag of Saskatchewan which was
designed by an Englishmen who barley lived in the province and made it with
construction paper the tommy gun is for the Tunnels of Moose Jaw where booze were
sunk into the US. The Mounty is for the
RCMP Heritage center in Regina ironically run by a nongovernmental
organisation. It is 9” x 12,” drawn with pencil and charcoal and completed
The name of this piece is Russian Girl, is 5”x8” and drawn with pastel on cardboard recently. Recently
America does not like Russia. I find that
the card bored extenuates the skin color and shadow. If you are
interested in buying this or any other of my work email me at to order.