Piney woods-Big sky
The night at the fairy ball and the skin of the Maid-of-the-Sea
sing the ballad that I am clan Morrison. Cutting down cardboard boxes for
drawing materials say I am an artist. I was born and raised on the edge of East
Texas. I went coming among the pines. My
dad was in oil as a chemist there was a humongous statue of Sam Houston in
Huntsville, but more than that there are pine trees sixty foot tall. I learn to
draw there and ironically was the lowest in the class. People take art
seriously in Texas. I cryed when I had to leave for the North . I still hate
snow and cold. One said thing was that urban sprawl from Houston was tearing
down the trees. I like leather.
Most people don’t think of East Texas as big sky, but by every
fake lake is big sky.the clouds are for the high rainfall but also as East
Texans have a shadow of how Texan they really are. In the
bottom left corner, there is an oil well. The trees are for the lop lolly pine
forest making its other name “Piny Woods.” The oil well called the “grasshopper” is one
of the dominant industries for the region makes the small East Texas city of Humble
a nationally known. (The company is now called Exxon. When the mayor of Humble
was ask if the name of the city would change with the company , he answered,
“H* no!”) The hill that the trees are on
is shaped like the Alamo because the furthest south of the Piny Woods with San Jacinto
where Texas won its freedom. It is 5.5” x 8.5,”
drawn with pastels and completed recently. If you are interested in buying this or any
other of my work email me at
to order.